肉の音楽 -Music of flesh- 鍵盤の女-Woman of the keyboard-53×53cm/2016/oil and alkyd on board [Private Collection]肉の調べ-Examine of flesh-65.2×53cm/2016/oil and alkyd on boardハーモニカの背中-Back of the harmonica-65.2×45.5cm/2016/oil and alkyd on board思考の航路-Route of the thought-60.6×45.5cm/2016/oil and alkyd on boardハープの娘-Daughter of the harp-53×45.5cm/2016/oil and alkyd on board肉のデュエット-Duet of flesh-53×45.5cm/2016/oil and alkyd on board [Private Collection]孤独の講話-Loneliness of lecture-53×33.3cm/2016/oil and alkyd on board [Private Collection]肉のレコード-Record of the flesh-38×38cm/2016/oil and alkyd on board [Private Collection]音階の娘-Daughter of scale-41×31.8cm/2016/oil and alkyd on board[Private Collection]竪琴の息子-Son of the harp-27×27cm/2016/oil and alkyd on board [Private Collection]吹奏家-Wind music player-31.5×22.5cm/2016/oil and alkyd on board囚われの花嫁-Bride imprisonment-91×60.6cm/2016/oil and alkyd on boardオルガズムのオルガン-Orgasm of organ-72.7×53cm/2016/oil and alkyd on boardエンケラデュスの娘-Daughter of Enceladus-50×41cm/2016/oil and alkyd on board